jeudi 29 avril 2010

Phronèsis - Welcome to my dream/my nightmare become yours (2003)

This is the second Phronèsis demo. I have a special thought for my friend Patrick SIMOES (alias VARDHLOKR-see picture) who wrote the lyrics & had participated on vocal for this album. Unfortunatly, Patrick passed away 4 years ago. He was a very good friend & added a lot of ideas & arrangements in the Phronèsis project.

Tracklist is :

Phronèsis - 01 - idem.mp3
Phronèsis - 02 - asleep robots with skeletons made of wr.mp3
Phronèsis - 03 - the subterranean nation.mp3
Phronèsis - 04 - join the V.I.T.R.I.O.L agency.mp3
Phronèsis - 05 - becoming peter caroll's alice.mp3
Phronèsis - 06 - the book of flesh.mp3
Phronèsis - 07 - omni directional radiance.mp3
Phronèsis - 08 - the fairy dressed in rags.mp3
Phronèsis - 09 - matter and terror.mp3
Phronèsis - 10 - thou shalt not pity.mp3
Phronèsis - 11 - tremble o phtisic youth.mp3

mercredi 28 avril 2010

Phronèsis - First Work (2002)

This is the first Phronèsis Demo. Enjoy !

Tracklist :

phronesis - first work - 01 - tribal motions part I.mp3
phronesis - first work - 02 - tribal motions part II.mp3
phronesis - first work - 03 - tribal motions part III.mp3
phronesis - first work - 04 - technoid acoustic sound.mp3
phronesis - first work - 05 - praxis.mp3
phronesis - first work - 06 - mystical voice.mp3
phronesis - first work - 07 - japonese dream part I.mp3
phronesis - first work - 08 - japonese dream part II.mp3
phronesis - first work - 09 - I lost my soul to angres.mp3

Yyesod9 - First Album part II (2010)

This is the second part of Yyesod first album.
  1. Marabout II (final mix).mp3
  2. approching satellite.mp3
  3. The End.mp3
  4. Marabout II (dancefloormix).mp3

lundi 26 avril 2010

yyesod9 - First Album Part I (2009-2010)

Yyesod is my new musical project. All tracks were composed between 2009 & 2010. Special thank to Laurent T for his collaboration on "Invocation" (Roland MS 20 + Voices Sampling).

Here is first part of the first album : yyesod9 - Part I

  1. Invocation.mp3
  2. Marabout.mp3
  3. No Man's Land.mp3
  4. Exposition - Part I.mp3

jeudi 22 avril 2010

Yyesod rebirth

OK ... So, I would like to thank a lot my friend "Blixa" because he talked me into going ahead and posting the full Jeff's discography !!
Let's begin a home made musical history !
I hope that you will enjoy it !